Growth through collaboration and support
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Accountability Circle

checklistYour problem

You've got a to-do list as long as your arm and it just seems to be getting longer and longer, causing you to be...

  • overwhelmed & frustrated
  • stressed & anxious
  • annoyed with yourself

The trouble is - if you are not checking off these actions as you go, then your business is stagnating and not moving forward.

So how do you overcome...

  • procrastination?
  • lack of focus and enthusiasm?
  • distractions?

The solution

Become part of the BusComm Accountability Circle. A weekly, online session open to everyone.

It's an opportunity to be held accountable for the actions you say you are going to do. Left to your own devices, you will more than likely let yourself off the hook when it comes to committing to what you say you are going to do.

Sharing your actions in a peer-to-peer environment will impact your business, enabling you to...

  • Keep on track
  • Be more productive and effective
  • Feel better
  • Move your business forward
  • Discover a renewed passion for your business

"So when is it?", I hear you ask.

Every Monday, 10am, for 45 minutes on Zoom. 

Your investment: only £6 per session or £12 per month.

PS You also get free access to a Connecteam mobile app to help manage your tasks.

Plus access to free tools and resources to improve your time management and productivity.

Book Now


Zoom_NetworkingFirst_Meetings_FreeOnline: Zoom

Time: 10-10.45am

Investment: £6

Future dates

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